Speaking manners and etiquette for elegant women

Feb 1, 2021 | Etiquette & Manners

Elegant women using speaking manners and etiquette

Learning basic speaking manners, etiquette, and the proper way to interact and connect with others is necessary for us all. We engage in many conversations and interactions on a daily basis, and with a variety of different people.

As an elegant woman, you should strive to present yourself at your best in terms of your physical appearance and the way you engage with others. The words you choose to use, as well as the way you pronounce and deliver those words, influence greatly the quality of your conversation and the strength of your relationships.

Use the speaking manners and etiquette tips in this article to hold better conversations in your daily life.

Top speaking manners and etiquette tips for elegant women:

Say please and thank you:

We must not forget how important it is to constantly display good manners. When you request or ask for something, remember to be polite and to say “please”. If someone has done something nice, or has completed a task that you had requested, respond by saying “thank you”.

Be elegant and choose to show your appreciation and gratitude even towards the smallest of deeds.

Avoid using slang and profane language:

Swearing or using limited, unbecoming words can create a poor impression; it can make you seem unrefined, uneducated, uncultured, and perhaps even immature.

Make an effort to exclude all curse words from your vocabulary.

Furthermore, try to use appropriate and correct grammar, and to avoid using slang. While slang might not be as bad as curses, an elegant woman should always adhere to respectable lingual standards.

Be an active listener:

To speak well, one must also listen well. Our conversational abilities are measured not only by our eloquence, but also by our attention.

Nowadays, we often focus too much on what we should say next, or perhaps think of a story that is somewhat related to the subject in question. Diverting our focus to internal preparation means that we are not giving our full attention to our interlocutor.

Knowing the art of listening, rather than just ‘hearing’, can be as important as speaking well (and on some occasions even more important).

Make it a habit to listen and respond with intent; doing so will add much more substance to your conversations, and consequently: better your relationships.

Notice your tone of voice:

As we grow up, we all develop our own tone of voice that is as unique as our fingerprints. Some tones of voice are pleasant and polite, while others may seem unfriendly and sarcastic.

Pay attention to your own tone of voice in your day-to-day communications; if you discover that you often use a pessimistic or accusive tone, then you should make the effort to change your tone to a more optimistic and positive one.

Regardless of the situation, make sure that you control your tone. For example, if someone is talking to you impolitely, keep your tone amicable and respond in a calm manner. Keeping a pleasant tone, even in unpleasant situations, sets the right environment for you to best communicate your message.

Do not engage in gossip:

Indeed, not all gossip is bad. We get excited when we hear that an old friend is getting married, having a baby, or getting a promotion at work. As humans, we have a natural inclination to interact and socialize with others. We engage in conversations daily, and some of the easiest and most accessible topics to speak about are other people.

With that being said, the kind of gossip that elegant women should avoid at all costs is the malicious chattering; it is the kind of gossip that we wouldn’t want the person in question to hear, and that can easily end up damaging reputations or friendships.

As an elegant woman, you shouldn’t find it necessary to speak daily about others, but when you occasionally do so – make sure to stay only on the ‘good gossip’ side of the spectrum. Be genuine, speak positively, and never bring others down.

Display elegance and good speaking manners by staying out of conversations when they begin to veer towards negative gossip; better yet, refrain from entertaining such conversations altogether. If the situation calls for doing so, excuse yourself and walk away.

Do not try to be the center of every conversation:

Ladies, who doesn’t like a bit of attention? We seek attention from our close friends, from our coworkers or boss at the office, and even from the guy that we have been pining over for the past month. We all want to feel loved and sought after, rather than ignored and neglected. Nevertheless, there is an excess to everything, and especially to attention seeking.

Elegant women prefer to have an intriguing approach to their daily conversations; they choose to enhance others rather than themselves, to be an equal participant in the discussion, and to maintain a sense of mystery.

Strive to be social and to engage in conversations, but be modest. Do not interrupt others or attempt to monopolize the conversation. Be tasteful, elegant, and polite, and give others a chance to shine – this is truly a basic rule of speaking manners.

Leave your phone:

While you speak to others, give them your full attention. Texting, or constantly checking your phone for messages (or other updates for that matter) is simply rude.

If someone chooses to invest time and effort to talk to you, respect that and do not waste their time. As a woman of class, you should understand that the present conversation is far more important than your phone.

Of course, some occasions, such as an impending important or urgent message, may call for being occupied with your phone. In that case, remember to inform your companion so as to avoid accidentally causing offense.

Be articulate:

Aside from following proper speaking manners and etiquette, an elegant woman must learn to be articulate and to speak eloquently. Our ability to express ourselves in a refined and graceful way greatly influences the impression that we leave on others.

Learn the basics of rhetoric and eloquence, also known as Savoir faire, and express your intelligence in an elegant manner.

Click to learn how to speak eloquently and elegantly.


It is easy to pursue an ‘elegant’ appearance, but elegance is not defined by physical beauty. Real, or authentic, elegance is a way of being.

If you want to become elegant, you must learn to showcase your class and femininity in all spheres of life; show your elegance with the way you talk, the way you walk, and the way you treat others.

Be self-sufficient, speak up for yourself (albeit politely) when necessary, and above all – know when to step back.

The way in which you communicate in various situations can really be the difference between elegance and rudeness. As challenging as it may be, follow the rules above and work towards improving yourself each day. If your aspiration to become an elegant woman is genuine, you will surely become proficient in the etiquette of speaking.

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