Social media etiquette rules that elegant women should follow

Mar 5, 2021 | Etiquette & Manners

Social media etiquette - Instagram account

Social media channels have greatly evolved to become a significant means for communication; virtually everybody uses social media, and some people do so for a large portion of their day. Considering the growing popularity of social media, it is important to remember that there are basic manners and social media etiquette rules that should be followed.

Communication is an undeniably important part of our lives. Through communication we engage others and form connections, and everything that we communicate reflects our personality, ideas, and qualities; for that reason, effective and polite communication is paramount, and that statement is true for both personal interactions and virtual ones. In fact, social media etiquette is sometimes as important as “regular” etiquette. 

What is social media etiquette?

Social media etiquette refers to the basic guidelines and rules for our behavior online, and across different social media channels.

Like social etiquette, which dictates our behavior around others in real-life situations, social media etiquette helps us by setting simple guidelines for our actions and attitude online.

Why should we follow social media etiquette?

Social media is merely another way for us to communicate with others and share a bit of our life. Etiquette rules and manners are necessary to help us properly navigate any social media channel; those rules and guidelines help us to prevent unpleasant situations online and to preserve our reputation as elegant women not just in “real-life” but also in the digital environment.

Five social media etiquette rules that you should know:

Use caution when posting and tagging others:

Whenever you post a photo, or anything else that is related to others, ask the related persons whether they feel comfortable about the post, and only then upload or tag.

Tagging a friend in a group photo or in a “check-in” may seem harmless to some, but asking for permission first is important. Avoid unpleasant situations and respect the privacy and preferences of others.

Furthermore, if your friend asks you to not upload a picture from your last vacation online, respect her request and do not pressure her to change her mind – even if it’s your favorite one!

Remember that social media is meant to enhance relationships – not to injure them.

Use humor carefully:

Senses of humor are not universal, and the things and jokes that you might find funny are equally likely to offend others.

Remember that your actions on social media reach well beyond your close friends and family members. When you choose to use humor in your posts or comments, do so carefully and make sure that your humor is appropriate.

Do not engage in online arguments:

Unfortunately, rudeness and arguments on social media have become common, and almost accepted. People are usually less scrupulous about manners when they’re hidden behind a screen or under the guise of relative anonymity.

Many people are easily triggered and get sucked into vulgar debates and arguments. Comments and opinions that might be accepted politely in the “real-world” can often escalate to unpleasant conflicts on social media.

Be aware of your image, and maintain your elegance by keeping an amicable tone at all times. If you’d like to take your elegance and social media etiquette one step further, make an effort to avoid expressing your opinion on sensitive subjects altogether.

Be modest:

As I wrote in my “how to be an elegant woman” article: modesty is eye-catching. If you wish to be more elegant and sophisticated, choose to be modest both online and offline.

Especially on social media, many women choose to “put their body on display” to draw more attention and likes. It is quite easy to go with the flow, forget our standards, and show a bit more skin online than we would in our daily life.

Be elegant by maintaining your modesty on social media, and remember that, when displayed correctly, the subtle and the hidden can be even more appealing than the bold and the ostentatious.

Avoid sharing too much:

We all carry our phones wherever we go. The act of posting and sharing on social media is simple, quick, and often spontaneous. As a result, many people tend to share too much of their private life on social media.

While sharing occasional photos of our dinner or vacation in Paris can be enjoyable, it is important to remember that our private life is our personal concern, and not something to be advertised.

  • Avoid “constant posting” – your online followers do not have to know what you are doing at any given moment.
  • Do not use social media to vent your emotions – keep any personal drama offline.
  • Avoid posting intimate details about your family members, friends, or partners.
  • Do not “check-in” wherever you go.
  • Remember that your time with your loved ones is far more valuable than a new picture that you can post online. Put your phone down, be appreciative, and just enjoy the company – things happen even if you don’t capture them!

A final word about social media etiquette:

Our actions on social media and online move faster than our actions in the offline world; our online activities can reach hundreds and thousands of people in a matter of minutes and seconds.

Remember the power and the effect of your actions both online and offline. Maintain a polite behavior, display kindness, and be respectful in all of your actions.

Follow the simple social media etiquette rules that are mentioned above to connect with other effectively both online and offline.

I’d love to read your thoughts! Which of the social media etiquette rules is the most important to you? Please leave a comment in section below.

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1 Comment

  1. Preeya Tailor

    I think some people over share about their babies and pregnant bellies, birthing and breastfeeding… Blegh! That’s too personal and nobody needs that much info about your bodily functions.


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