Choose quality over quantity to live simply and elegantly

Feb 19, 2021 | Personal Growth

An elegant woman chooses quality over quantity in her clothes

I have learned the importance of quality over quantity relatively recently.

A few years ago, a new item of clothing used to put a smile on my face almost immediately; the feeling of wearing a new article of clothing was exhilarating and fun. Whenever I purchased (or got) a new dress, I brought it and wore it to wherever I went – until I got another, newer, dress, and tossed my “old” one aside.

For you, the new dress might be a phone, a makeup item, or even a relationship. Is the feeling of happiness and excitement of the newness familiar to you? Do you also feel that “new is always better”?

In my ongoing journey toward an elegant lifestyle, I’ve learned the importance and the benefits of quality over quantity. I choose to be fastidious and to value quality in all aspects of life: in the books I read, in the clothes I buy, and in the people I spend time with.

The mindset of preferring quality over quantity helps me to live more efficiently and intentionally, and to add simplicity to my life.

Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance Coco Chanel says beautifully.

Elegance, therefore, is not defined by abundance, but in fact – the opposite is true. Elegance comes from moderation and quality rather than from excess and quantity.

The meaning of quality over quantity:

Perhaps you have already heard the phrase ‘quality over quantity’, but what does it actually mean?

Because the phrase clearly signifies a preference for better things over a plethora of things, it is somewhat self-explanatory. With that being said, the phrase ‘quality over quantity’ holds a deeper meaning; it is the perception that mere quantity does not make you happy.

To choose quality over quantity is to release yourself from the endless race to more commodities that is modern consumerism, and to learn the importance and joy of simplicity.

Four reasons why you should choose quality over quantity:

Quality saves money:

When it comes to material items, investing in quality can often save you money – even if the initial cost is higher.

Nowadays, we tend to spend money and buy clusters of cheap items that we do not need and perhaps even forget to use. When we invest in quality, we naturally stay away from impulse sale-rack shopping and from purchasing cheap ‘disposable’ items. Shopping for quality means to only purchase the things that we really need.

Additionally, quality items last longer and do not require frequent replacing, and therefore have a better return on investment.

A quick note: be aware that investing in fancy premium brands does not ensure that you’re purchasing quality-products. When you purchase premium brands you sometimes pay for the brand name rather than the quality.

Learn how to spot quality-items. You will discover that the price tag is not the main indicator of quality, and that quality can be found within any price range.

Quality saves time and energy:

As elegant women, we carefully select how to invest our time and energy; those are our most valuable resources, which are simply too valuable to be spent carelessly.

By focusing on quality over quantity we dedicate our time and energy only to a fewer, and more significant, things.

Firstly, we own fewer material items (of a high-quality) that need to be cared for, and therefore invest less time shopping and replacing cheap products.

Secondly, we select our activities thoughtfully. For example, we would prefer to read one excellent and important book rather than various gossip articles.

Lastly, we choose our companions carefully, and understand that a few good friends are far more valuable than many acquaintances.

Train yourself to recognize quality in all areas of life, and exclusively choose the best within the abundance of choices. I can assure you that by doing so you will have more time and energy to spend on the things that really matter to you.

Quality supports sustainability:

By choosing quality over quantity, and by rejecting the modern consumeristic culture of ‘buy cheap, throw away, buy more’, we reduce the burden on our environment.

Indeed, our personal effect is fairly small, but I believe that even the slightest changes are important and valuable. Furthermore, our collective impact can be very significant. Add elegance to your life by making conscious and sustainable decisions daily, and by choosing quality over quantity.

Choosing quality over quantity is an act of self-love:

Choosing quality over quantity is undeniably an act of self-love. You deserve the best of all things. Enjoy the best material items, experience the best activities, and surround yourself with the best people.

Do you prefer to wear a comfy cashmere sweater on a regular basis, or to change many cheap ones repeatedly? Which of those options would make you feel more elegant and luxurious? Remember that for either option the financial expenditure can be approximately the same.

By not wasting time, energy, and money on low-quality and on quantity, we open ourselves to precious resources and gain the ability to focus on things that really matter to as.

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1 Comment

  1. Preeya Tailor

    It’s easy to pick up trendy costume jewelry like cheap rhinestones glued on an alloy chain, for cheap from H&M or Forever21, but we all know it’s better to have quality jewelry that is 925 sterling silver instead, as it won’t turn green or break, etc. When you have less jewelry items, but quality pieces, it not only brings more joy when you wear them, but it’s healthier for you and the environment.

    “Less is more” also applies to shoes, coats, handbags, friends, social obligations…


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